Curriculum vitae


Born 19th September 1986 in Valencia (Spain)


2024 2029: Researcher Ramón y Cajal, Botanical Institute of Barcelona, CSIC, Spain. 

previous POSITIONs

2023 2024: Beatriu de Pinós Research Fellow (part 2), Botanical Institute of Barcelona, CSIC, Spain.

2022 2023: Permanent Board of Directors at the Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio), Universitat de Barcelona (Spain). 

2021 2023: Beatriu de Pinós Research Fellow (part 1), Earth Sciences Faculty, University of Barcelona, Spain.

2018 2021: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institut of Geosciences, University of Bonn, Germany. Supervised by Dr. Jes Rust. 

2016 2018: Postdoctoral Fellow, University Jaume I, Spain. Supervised by Dr. Josep A. Jaques. 


2015: PhD Earth Sciences, University of Barcelona, Spain. Supervised by Dr. Xavier Delclòs.

2011: MSc High School Teacher Formation, University of Barcelona, Spain.

2010: MSc Evolutionary Biology, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.

2009: BSc Biology, University of Valencia, Spain.

fellowships and awards

2024 – 2029: Ramón y Cajal Programme, Botanical Institute of Barcelona, Spain (244,000€). 

2022: Position number 250/20 in the ranking of the InfluScience platform for the Geosciences category. 

2021 – 2024: Beatriu de Pinós Programme, University of Barcelona (part 1) and Botanical Institute of Barcelona (part 2), Spain (144,000€). 

2021: First author of the winning paper of the XIX International Research Prize Paleonturology 2021, convened by the Dinópolis Paleontological Foundation.

2021: Position number 250/11 in the ranking of the InfluScience platform for the Geosciences category. 

2018 – 2021: Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Bonn, Germany (78,000€). 

2014: Collection Study Grant of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA (1,861€). 

2014: SYNTHESYS Project - European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Program. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, France. 

2011 – 2015: PhD FPU scholarship from Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, University of Barcelona, Spain (63,500€). 

2004 2009: Position 186/16 in the Average score during the degree of Biology at the University of Valencia, Spain. 

positive acreditations

2022: I3 (2021/194). 

2020: Accreditation for the figure of Associate Professor by the AQU.

2018: Accreditation for the figure of Lecturer University Teacher by the AQU. 

2016: Accreditation for the figure of Lecturer University Teacher by the ANECA. 


2025 2029: PhD project from Laura Pajot

2024 2027: PhD project from Jules Ferreira

2024 2025: PhD visit from Zuluan Chen

2021 2025: PhD project from Constanza Peña-Kairath

2021 2022: MSc project at the University of Barcelona, Spain. 

2017 2018: BSc project at the University Jaume I, Spain. 


2022 – 2023: Teaching at University of Barcelona, Spain (in process). 

2021 – 2022: Teaching 28 hours - Different subjects in the Geology degree and the Environmental Sciences degree, University of Barcelona, Spain. 

2020 2021: Teaching 46 hours - Different subjects in the Geology degree and the Environmental Sciences degree, University of Barcelona, Spain. 

2014 2016: Teaching 4 hours - Paleontological heritage, Master’s degree of Cultural Heritage Management and Museography,  University of Barcelona, Spain.

2014 – 2015: Teaching 18 hours - Biology, Geology degree, University of Barcelona, Spain.

2015 – 2018, 2021: Different courses of high school teacher for the Catalonia Government, Barcelona, Spain. 


2023: Convener of the session Paleoecological implications of organisms in amber, part of the 4th Palaeontological Virtual Congress 8th-22nd of May.

2015: Organizer of the workshop Phylogenetic inferences for paleontologists -TNT & MESQUITE, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. 


2024 –: Section Editor of Coleoptera for the journal Palaeoentomology (Q1).              

2022 –: Review Editor for the journal Frontiers in Insect Science.

2022 –: Review Editor for the journal Frontiers in Earth Science

2022 : Review Editor for the journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

2020 – 2021: Topic Editor for the journal Insects

2015 –: Reviewer for around 30 international journals. 

2020 –: Evaluator for three funding agencies.